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PLAN to Make A Difference

JOHNSTOWN — On Thursday, March 5, 2015, a group of financial advisors met to discuss and learn more about the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies and its Philanthropic Leaders Advisory Network. The PLAN (Philanthropic Leaders Advisory Network) is a new initiative of the Community Foundation specifically for Wealth Advisors.

At this workshop, two new members joined PLAN: Lisa Bittner, of Somerset Trust Company and Donald W. Cowie of AXA Advisors, LLC. “To me, to give is the best way to receive,” said Bittner. “The personal satisfaction one receives in knowing that they have contributed to the survival of something they are passionate about is invaluable.”

“Giving back to your community, whether it is faith, service or needs based, is an endeavor which rewards both the donor and the donee many times over,” said Cowie.

The seminar was held at Somerset Country Club and was the second of three annual PLAN seminars. Each seminar has a different focus. This program was on Marcellus Shale and Attorney Mark Persun from Somerset explained how the industry can impact people financially, and what advisors need to know as this becomes a growing industry in the state.

Credits (CTFA, CLE, CPE and CFP) are available for each seminar. Contact Nancy Marley for more details on this program. The next PLAN seminar is scheduled for Thursday, June 18th, the topic and location will be announced at a later date.  Todd Purich will be the seminar’s guest speaker along with Philip Cubeta; CFA will provide additional details as they become available.

Members of the PLAN include:

Continuing Education credits are available for each PLAN seminar.


PLAN to Make A Difference

On Thursday, March 5, 2015, a group of financial advisors met to discuss and learn more about the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies and its Philanthropic Leaders Advisory Network. The PLAN (Philanthropic Leaders Advisory Network) is a new initiative of the Community Foundation specifically for Wealth Advisors.

At this workshop, two new members joined PLAN: Lisa Bittner, of Somerset Trust Company and Donald W. Cowie of AXA Advisors, LLC. “To me, to give is the best way to receive,” said Bittner. “The personal satisfaction one receives in knowing that they have contributed to the survival of something they are passionate about is invaluable.”

“Giving back to your community, whether it is faith, service or needs based, is an endeavor which rewards both the donor and the donee many times over,” said Cowie.

The seminar was held at Somerset Country Club and was the second of three annual PLAN seminars. Each seminar has a different focus. This program was on Marcellus Shale and Attorney Mark Persun from Somerset explained how the industry can impact people financially, and what advisors need to know as this becomes a growing industry in the state.

Credits (CTFA, CLE, CPE and CFP) are available for each seminar. Contact Nancy Marley for more details on this program. The next PLAN seminar is scheduled for Thursday, June 18th, the topic and location will be announced at a later date.  Todd Purich will be the seminar’s guest speaker along with Philip Cubeta; CFA will provide additional details as they become available.

Members of the PLAN include:

Continuing Education credits are available for each PLAN seminar.

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To learn more about joining the PLAN, please contact Nancy Marley, Donor Services Officer, at 814-536-7741 ext. 111.

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