James Ellis Mayer Fund
To support unrestricted grantmaking as determined by the Foundation's Distribution Committee, through the Fund for the Future.
To support unrestricted grantmaking as determined by the Foundation's Distribution Committee, through the Fund for the Future.
To provide administrative support for the Community Foundation.
To enable community non-profit organizations to further their work.
To support numerous tax-exempt nonprofits, community and/or religious organizations in the Somerset and Cambria County areas, as well as national relief organizations.
To provide Community Foundation for the Alleghenies a resource to address economic and business development strategies to include recreation housing and other social-fabric elements that will help bring the community out of its distressed status.
To provide support to charitable causes as advised by donors.
To support unrestricted grantmaking as determined by the Foundation's Distribution Committee, through the Fund for the Future.
To support local nonprofit organizations, as determined by the Foundation's Distribution Committee.
To be distributed by the Foundation, in accordance with its guidelines and policies, restricted to artistic and cultural activities within the Cambria Somerset region. Created as part of the 100 Families Project.