Windber Area School District Estate of Edna Solomon Scholarship Fund
To provide an annual scholarship to a graduating senior of Windber Area High School, as chosen by the Superintendent of Schools.
To provide an annual scholarship to a graduating senior of Windber Area High School, as chosen by the Superintendent of Schools.
To provide an annual scholarship to a graduating senior of Windber Area High School, as chosen by the Superintendent of Schools.
To award two annual scholarships of $500.00 each to two graduating seniors at Windber Area High School.
To provide scholarships for one male and one female student-athlete, and to assist in funding the Windber Area School District interscholastic athletic program, as determined by Windber Rambler Lettermen's Club Executive Committee.
To support Cambria County and Somerset County students who will attend a community college, post-secondary trade school or post-secondary vocational school, providing a continuous scholarship to continue at UPJ for no more than four years.
To provide scholarships for students at Westmont Hilltop High School.
To provide scholarships to graduating seniors of Westmont Hilltop High School solely on the merit of significant community service.
To support graduating seniors at Westmont Hilltop School District.
To provide a scholarship annually to a graduate of Westmont Hilltop High School.
To provide a deserving, African-American male or female student with financial support during their first and second years of college. This award will honor students who excel in the classroom, model admirable leadership, and serve their community. Eligible schools include…