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Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds

Founded in 1994, the Foundation for Pennsylvania Watershed's (FPW) is the Commonwealth's leader on environmental issues. Our work includes restoration and protection of water and land resources. Our work primarily focuses on restoring legacy mining which causes orange polluted water…

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Festival of Books in the Alleghenies Fund

To support community endeavors focusing on literacy, such as libraries, literacy councils and schools. The ARFB will promote authors, celebrate reading and build community spirit while supporting literacy programs. This will be accomplished through an annual festival that will rotate…

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Fisher Mining Co., Inc. Trust

To support a participation agreement of Keating Mine and Fisher Mining Company for the purpose of operating water treatment systems, to prevent and abate pollution, and to protect natural resources from the adverse effects of untreated or improperly treated discharges…

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Early Childhood Care Fund

To provide the Foundation a resource to address specified charitable purposes related to early childhood education and care in Cambria and Somerset counties.

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Crown REIT Fund

To support unrestricted grantmaking as determined by the Foundation's Distribution Committee, through the Fund for the Future.

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Christian Science Fund

Shall be for the promulgation of activities promoting the understanding and practice of Christian Science, as discovered by Mary Baker Eddy. Funds from this Trust may be distributed to individuals or groups in Cambria, Somerset, Bedford, Indiana, Blair, Westmoreland and…

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