Ankeny Square Cemetery Fund
To benefit the perpetual care, and maintenance of the Ankeny Square Cemetery under the direction of the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies.
To benefit the perpetual care, and maintenance of the Ankeny Square Cemetery under the direction of the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies.
To support educational expenses for seminary students at the Byzantine Catholic Seminary of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Pittsburgh, Pa.
To support nonprofit organizations that promote domestic and feral animal welfare within the Foundation's area of operation by contributing to the welfare of local animal organizations, promoting early childhood education to combat animal abuse, and promoting other forms of animal…
To provide an endowment restricted to benefit early childhood education. Created as part of the 100 Families Project.
To support efforts that promote ovarian cancer awareness and education in Cambria/Somerset counties.
To provide an annual scholarship to a graduating senior at Penn Cambria School District accepted to an accredited post-secondary institution, including a college, university, trade school, or technical school.
This is an unrestricted fund made possible through a donor bequest that gives the Community Foundation the ability to meet emerging needs as it recognizes them.
To provide a $500.00 scholarship to a senior from Greater Johnstown High School in Aaron's memory. Aaron's strength of character and purpose in the way he lived his life shall serve as a model for candidates to encourage the connection…
To provide support for all efforts and activities of the American Association of University Women Johnstown Branch.
To benefit the Holiday Meals Program provided by the Beth Sholom Congregation.