Fiscal Year 2020 Full Fund List
To find out more about what kind of fund may work best for your goals, visit our Funds Page or reach out to Director of Donor Services Katrina Perkosky at or (814) 208-8411.
To read the purpose statement and description of a specific fund, type the fund name into the search function on the Donate Page, accessible by CLICKING HERE.
CFA currently manages 815 Total Funds:
Administrative Funds
Ann R. Deitle Legacy Fund
Community Foundation Operating Support Fund
Agency Funds
Admiral Peary Career Foundation Fund
Alleghenies United Cerebral Palsy Fund
Bedford County Library Fund
Bedford County Regional Education Foundation Fund
Beginnings, Inc. Agency Fund
Beth Sholom Congregation Fund
Blacklick Creek Watershed Association Fund
Cambria County Conservation District Fund
Cambria County Library Fund
Camp Allegheny Fund
Charles Crain Memorial Resident Director Fund
Clearfield Creek Watershed Association Fund
Community Arts Center of Cambria County Fund
Community Foundation – Everett Area Fund
Conemaugh Valley Conservancy Fund
Ferndale Area School District Endowment Fund
Fisher Mining Co., Inc. Trust
Friends of the Inclined Plane Endowment Fund
Girl Scouts of Western Pennsylvania Endowment Fund
Greater Johnstown Community YMCA Fund
Gristmill Fund
Indiana Area School District Fund
James B. Stoughton and Louise Stoughton Maust Producers Fund
Keating Mine Treatment System
Learning Lamp Fund
New Florence Community Library Fund
St. Benedict Parish Educational Endowment Fund
Susquehanna River Basin Commission Fund
Thousand Book Endowment Fund (Everett Free Library)
Westmont Family Counseling Ministries Fund
YWCA of Greater Johnstown Fund
Annuity Funds
Donald L. Green Charitable Fund
George and Eve Cook Charitable Gift Annuity Fund
Designated Funds
Abe Beerman Trust Fund
Adams-Croyle Recreation Authority Fund
Alan L. and Lana J. Miller Family Fund
Alternative Community Resource Project (ACRP) Endowment Fund
Andrew and Erma Margo Fund
Anna & Michael Mazur, Sr. and Margaret & Chester McGivney, Sr. Memorial Fund
Anonymous Charitable Fund
Anonymous Fund
Anonymous Fund
Anrmjl Fund
Anthony F. and Ann R. Urbas Education Fund
Arbutus Park Retirement Community Fund
Arts Patron Fund
B. Elkins, Sr., MD and Margaret Griffith Longwell Fund I
B. Elkins, Sr., MD and Margaret Griffith Longwell Fund II
Bako-Penksa Family Fund
Bedford County Community Fund
Ben Franklin Fund
Berlin Brothersvalley School District Foundation Fund
Birthright Endowment Fund
Birthright of Somerset Fund
Blanche Beerman Holocaust Museum Fund
Boys & Girls Club of Somerset County Fund
Cambria/Somerset Easter Seals Fund
Camp Cadet of Somerset County Fund
Care Project Fund
Cecil and Rose Sipe Memorial Fund
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Foundation Fund
Chestnut Ridge Christian Fund
Christian Home of Johnstown Fund
Christian Science Fund
Christopher T. Macey Fund for Mentally Challenged Individuals
Colt Foundation Fund
Community Action Partnership of Cambria County Fund
Community Intervention Program Fund
Conemaugh Township Area School District Fund
Conemaugh Township Elementary Backpack Project Fund
Conemaugh Valley Alumni Fund
Copley Fund for Critters
Daniel and Marcia Glosser Fund
Daniel Glosser Designated Fund
Darryl Myers Memorial Fund
David R. Madigan Fund I
David R. Madigan Fund II
Donald Costlow Memorial Fund
Donald L. Green Designated Fund I
Donald L. Green Designated Fund II
Donald L. Green Designated Fund III
Dr. B. Elkins Longwell, Jr. Memorial Fund
Dr. James and Christine Richey Fund
Edward and Susan Wagner Family Fund
Edward J. Sheehan Sr. Family Fund
Everett Area Alumni Association Fund
Everett Area Better Business Association Fund
Father’s Day Initiative
Festival of Books in the Alleghenies Fund
Flood City Music Festival Endowment Fund
Frank and Assunta Yocca Family Endowment Fund
Frank and Rosella Blackington Fund
Friends of the Parks (Indiana County) Fund
Frontline Companions Fund
Goodwill Industries of The Conemaugh Valley, Inc. Fund
Greater Johnstown Career and Technology Center Fund
Greater Johnstown/ACRP Innovative Education Enrichment Prog Fund
Hastings Public Library Fund
Hauger-Zeigler Memorial Fund
Helen L. Maruhnich Memorial Fund
Helping Hands of Cambria County Fund
Holy Trinity Byzantine Catholic Church Cemetery Fund from the Dyak Family
Homer Center Public Library Fund
Howard Picking, Jr. Administrative Fund
Howard Picking, Jr. Memorial Fund
Hyatt Walker Fleegle Memorial Trust Fund, Hyatt’s Angels
Inclined Plane Flag Fund
Indiana Community Garden Fund
Indiana Community Garden Youth Garden Fund
Italian Abruzzi Cultural Heritage Foundation Fund
Jackson Community Benefits Fund
James E. Mayer and William S. Mayer, Jr. Fund
James Ellis Opera House Fund
James V. and Concetta M. Saly Fund
Janet Beerman Free Dental Clinic Fund
Jeff Maurer Memorial Award Fund
Jessie Tree Fund, in memory of Jessie Sutherland Gordon
John and Joyce Murtha Educational Fund
John and Vanessa Wozniak Tricentennial Investment Fund
Johnstown Area Heritage Association Fund
Johnstown Christian School Fund
Johnstown Police Support Fund
Johnstown Symphony Orchestra Fund
Joseph Cauffiel Memorial Fund
Kai’s Legacy Fund
Kaye Bird Visiting Writer Series Fund
Kriak Family Fund
Laurel Highlands Cancer Program Fund
Laurel View Village Fund
LivRed Foundation Fund
Lymphedema Fund
Majerski Fund
Mark and Sophie Gojmerac Family Fund
Marlin Stephens Beautification Fund
Mary Madigan Bishop McCort Fund
Mary Madigan Lee Hospital Fund
Mazur Family Fund
Meyersdale Area Rompin Raiders Fund
Meyersdale Area School District Awards Fund
Meyersdale Area School District Fund
Meyersdale Church of the Brethren Kids’ Klub Scholarship Fund
Meyersdale Elementary School Educational Boosters Fund
Meyersdale Lions Club Flag Fund
Meyersdale Wind Farm Fund
Michael and Mary Locke Dorosh Trust Fund
Michael’s Fund
NAACP Johnstown Legacy Fund
New Day, Inc. Fund
Nicholas and Donna Antonazzo Fund
North Star School District Foundation Fund
Northern Cambria Public Library Fund
Northern Cambria Sensory Room Fund
Otrosina Fund
Paul and Catherine Mangarella Endowment Fund in Memory of Father Canice Welsh, O.S.B.
Paul Carbaugh Memorial Award Fund
Paul Monteleone Fund for Business & Financial Material Acquisitions for the Cambria Co Library
Penn’s Woods Youth Shooting Sports Foundation
Pennsylvania Envirothon Fund
Pine Grill Open FBO Somerset Volunteer Fire Department Fund
Point Stadium Preservation Fund
Richland School District Foundation Fund
Ridley Banks Memorial Fund to Benefit the Students of Ferndale Area School District
Robert T. Koveleskie Family Endowment Fund
Robert Waters Charitable Trust
Rockwood Area School District Fund
Rockwood Area School District Rocket Fuel Backpack Program Fund
Rockwood Area SD Fund – Kids Come First
Saint Rochus Parish Family Fund
Salisbury-Elk Lick School District Elementary STEAM Program Fund
Salisbury-Elk Lick School District Fund
Salvation Army Supowitz Fund
Samuel G. and Patricia Carpenter Fund
Sandyvale Memorial Gardens Fund
Shade Creek Watershed Association Fund
Shade-Central City School District Fund
Shanksville-Stonycreek School District Education Foundation Viking Family Fund
Sidney Fund
Slep Woodland’s Maintenance Fund
SoCo Strong Fund
Somerset Area School District Foundation Fund
Somerset Area School District Snyder Library Fund
Somerset Area School District Special Projects Fund
Somerset Christian School Awards Fund in Memory of Michael Shaffer FBO Physically or Mentally Disadvantaged Children
Somerset Christian School Foundation Fund, Established in Honor of Susan Harshbarger
Somerset County Community Fund
Somerset County Economic Development Council Foundation Fund
Somerset County Rails-To-Trails Fund for Emergency Trail Maintenance
Somerset County Technology Center Building Maintenance Fund
Sri Siva Vishnu Temple of Pittsburgh Fund
Stackhouse Park Fund
Stephen Deal Memorial Fund
Stone Bridge Lights Maintenance Fund
Stonycreek/Conemaugh River Improvement Project Fund
Sylvia T. Pasquerilla Good Shepherd Fund for Social Services & Spiritual Care
Tom & Linda Fleming Family Endowment Fund
Turkeyfoot Valley Historical Society Fund
Vintondale AMD and ART Park Treatment System and Wetland Fund
Virginia Jean Wright Endowment for Tenley Park Fund
Voices of Hope Fund
Walter C. Allen, Jr. Fund U/W FBO Memorial Hospital of Bedford County Fund
Walter Krebs Fund
Walter Morris Fund
Westmont Hilltop School District Endowment Fund
Westsylvania Heritage Corporation Fund
WHAA Westmont Hilltop Alumni Association Fund
WWII Commemorative Committee Fund
WWII Monument Preservation Fund
Zahorchak Education-Economic Endowment Fund
Donor Advised Funds
AAABA Hall of Fame Fund
Abe and Janet Beerman Fund
Abrahams Family Fund
Ann and Michael Smith Family Fund
Ashman Family Fund
Autumn’s Angels Fund
Blackwell Fund
Bork Family Fund
Bryan J. & Catherine Ann Lohr Fund
C.B. Ellis Canal Fund
Casey and Erin Craig Family Fund
Chad Delier Scanlon Memorial Fund
Clara Lasky Fund
Clark Family Foundation Fund
Commonwealth Commonsense Education Fund
CONCEPT Playground Distribution Fund
Coney Island Lunch Fund
Dalziel Donor Advised Fund
David A. Glosser Foundation Fund
Debra Mayer Fund
DeMario Fund for Children
Diamond-Kaminsky Fund
Diane Stephenson Memorial Fund
Dick and Connie Mayer Family Fund
Donald L. Green Charitable Trust Fund
Donato and Nancy Zucco Family Fund
Dr. Joel A. Bezek and Family Foundation
Dylan’s Heart Fund
EADS Group Charitable Foundation Fund
Ed and Julie Sheehan Family Fund
Edwin and Rosemary Pawlowski Fund
Elmer and Barbara Laslo Fund
Eugene and Evelyn Eyer Fund
Felix Family Adoption Foundation Fund
Frances Hesselbein Fund
Friends of Johnstown Flood National Memorial
Ganzy Family Charitable Trust Fund
Garbarino Family Charitable Trust Fund
Garden Club of Johnstown
Gella Family Fund
Genovese Market Fund
Greg Glosser Donor Advised Fund
Griffith and O’Brien Fund
Hilda Ellis Mayer Fund
Hit The Dusty Trail: Send Cancer Packing Fund In Memory Of Gary Fulton
Horowitz Family Fund
Indiana County Parks and Trails Legacy Fund
iPACT Fund
Isadore Suchman Fund
Jane and Albert Francis Fund
John A. Fiesta Family Fund
John and Grace Strachan Fund
John R. Fiesta Fund
Johnstown Area Arts Endowment
Johnstown Regional Indian Subcontinent Association Fund
Joseph A. and Christine F. Carpenter Family Fund
Junah Nelson Krupper Fund for Congenital Heart Disease Awareness
Keystone Christian Leadership, Career Development and Community Improvement Fund
Kitty and Barry Tuscano Donor Advised Fund
Leslie Lehman-Clemenson Fund
Linda Diamond Fund
Lynn and Craig Ashe Fund
M.J. Miller Family Agricultural Heritage Fund
Mall Family Fund
Mark and Lisa Pasquerilla Children Fund
Mark and Pam Miller Charitable Fund
Mark F. Gojmerac Fund
Mark Pasquerilla Fund
Mary Mudry Trust Fund
Mayer/Kane Family Fund
Michael L. Bodolosky and Winsome W. Garland Fund
Mihalko Family Fund
Milton I. Friedman Memorial Fund
Norman S. Slick Memorial Fund
Ohio River Valley-Appalachia Collaborative Fund
Otto and Carrie Scheib Memorial Fund
Our Mother of Sorrows Parish Fund
Pamela J. Mayer Fund
Patrick and Pamela Torchia Donor Advised Fund
Paul J. and Stella M. Repak Memorial Fund
Penelec Fund for the Future of Greater Johnstown
Picking Family Trust Fund
Portage 10,000 Name Board Fund
Portage Regional Endowment Fund
Pouring Hope Foundation Fund
Purich Family Donor Advised Fund
Quaker Sales Charitable Fund
Ray and Nancy Rizzo Foundation Fund
Ray DiBattista Charitable Fund
Rebecca Lear Charitable Fund
Robert and Beverly Eyer Family Fund
Ronald J. Spinelli Family Fund
Russell Lauf Family Fund
Sally Sargent Fund
Sara Fine Davidson Fund
Scott and Diane Little Fund
Spadafora Family Fund
Stephenson Family Fund
Stern Family Fund
Strachan Fund for Education and the Arts Fund
Terry and Vivian Dunkle Fund
Tim and Jackie Ayres Family Fund
Tretter Family Fund
Tribune-Democrat Family Fund
Valley Pike Manor Fund
Walter J. and Darla J. Kleinmeyer Family Fund
Warner Family Fund
Wendy Hollern Spencer Memorial Fund
Zamias Galleria Fund
Field of Interest Funds
Allison Vaughn Memorial Fund
Amateur Athletes Training Fund
Amy Wicks Fund for Leukemia Bone Marrow Transplants
Ann Harris Smith Foundation Fund
Bedford County Veterans and Citizens for Heroes Fund
Caressa Kovalcik Memorial Fund
Community Initiatives Fund
Cyndi’s Hope Fund (In Memory of Cyndi Frankel)
Earl and Jeanne Berkey Fund
Early Childhood Education Fund
Foundation Distribution Fund – Partnership Grants
Goldblatt Family Fund
Irene Panci Gladstone Trust Fund
Josephine, Vitalina & Fiorindo Scipione Endowment Fund
Juniper Foundation for Business Development and the Trades
Morley’s Dog Fund for Kids
Myrrel Overdorff Memorial Beautification Fund
Penelec Sustainable Energy Fund
Robert Waters Economic Development Fund
Ron Fisher African American History Educational Fund
Trojan College Access Fund
Tyler Shaffer Service to Others Fund
UPMC Bedford Memorial Hospital Employee Emergency Fund
West End Improvement Group Fund
Windber Borough Beautification Fund
Partnership Funds
814 Worx Entrepreneurial Education Fund
AAABA Tournament Support Fund
Air Quality Collaborative Fund
Akers Street Playground Fund
All 4 Smiles Fund
Anonymous Fund
Anthony Swalligan Memorial Fund
Asthma Fund
Bandits Baseball Club Fund
Bedford County Arts Fund
Bedford County Humane Society Capital Campaign Fund
Bedford County Pink Ribbon Fund
Bedford County Upstanders Fund
Bedford Heritage Trust Fund
Bedford Summer Music Festival Fund
Berlin Backpack Program Fund
Cambria County Backpack Project Fund
Cambria County Child Advocacy Center Fund
Cambria County Coroner’s Office Yellow Ribbon Program Fund
Cambria County Human Trafficking Response Team Fund
Cambria County SERT Fund
Cambria County Suicide Prevention Task Force Fund
Camp PARC Forever Friends Fund
Celebration Johnstown Fund
Chad Delier Scanlon Memorial Event Fund
Children Are Precious Fund
Children’s Safety Fund
City of Johnstown Fire Department Fund
Community Connection Team Fund
Community Crisis Fund
Community Projects Fund
Conemaugh Township Band Boosters Fund
Conemaugh Township Golf Fund
Conemaugh Township Soccer Booster Club Fund
Conemaugh Township Stampede Fund
Conemaugh Township Track and Field Booster Club Fund
COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund
Creator Square Fund
Crime Stoppers of Cambria County Fund
c-Solutions Fund
Daniel & Marcia Glosser Memorial Gardens at Sandyvale Fund
Danielle Krout & Family Domestic Violence Awareness Fund
Dr. Kamal and Dr. Jyothi Gella Special Projects Fund
Environmental Health Fellowships Fund
Ferndale Band Booster Fund
Forrest Foundation Fund
Foundation Distribution Fund – Scholarship/EITC Grants
Fresh Start Soap Pantry Fund
Gallery on Gazebo Fund
Gifted Edition Fund
Greater Johnstown Community Chorus Fund
Greater Johnstown Economic Development Fund
Greater Johnstown Tennis Association Fund
Greater Prospect, Inc. Fund
Green S.E.N.S.E. Fund
Highlands Health Fund
Hilltop Boys Club Fund
Hope 4 Johnstown Fund
James F. Beener Memorial Fund
James Wolfe Sculpture Trail Fund
Janice Keen Livingston Memorial Park Fund
Jennerstown Recreation Committee Fund
John P. Murtha Memorial Statue Project Fund
Johnstown Area Heritage Association Capital Campaign Fund
Johnstown Area Heritage Association Patron Fund
Johnstown Cinderella Project Fund
Johnstown Concert Series Fund
Johnstown Football Reunion Association Fund
Johnstown Hockeyville Legacy Fund
Johnstown Neighborhood Boosters Fund
Johnstown Pay It Forward – People Helping People Fund
Johnstown Police K-9 Unit Fund
Johnstown Reed Band Fund
Johnstown Running Club Fund
Johnstown Slavic Festival Fund
Johnstown Tomahawks Booster Club Fund
Johnstown Tomahawks Foundation Fund
Johnstown Walk of Hope Fund
Justice Belles of Bedford County Fund
Korean War Monument Fund
Lady Cardinals 18U Fund
Laurel Highland Region Police Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Fund
Laurel Highlands Amateur Baseball Fund
Laurel Highlands Semicolon Project Fund
Laurel Mountain Park Improvement Fund
Lift Johnstown Fund
LKGF (Love, Kindness, Goodness, Forgiveness) Fund
Makayla’s Dream Scholarship Fund
Maxwell the Raindrop Fund
Meyersdale Area Student Assistance Fund
Meyersdale Area Weekend Backpack Program Fund
Mid-Atlantic Whiskey Rebellion Trail Fund
Mt. Davis Gravel Grinder Fund
Music Makes Us Stronger Fund
Music Mechanics Fund
Nathan’s Divide Watershed Education Center Fund
North Star Music Makers Fund
Ohio River Valley COVID-19 Response Fund
Ohio River Valley Institute Fund
Old Westmont Neighbors Fund
Operation Guardian Fund
Operation:BeYoutiful Fund
Patriot Park Foundation Fund
Paul Carey Undesignated Fund
PAWS House Inc. Fund
Pennsylvania Green Business Initiative Fund
People for Parks Fund
Pittsburgh Food Policy Council Fund
Play for Pink Charity Fund
Play it Forward Fund
Point Stadium Award Banquet Fund
Potter’s Players Fund
Pride of Somerset County Fund
Quemahoning Chillin’ for Charity Fund
Rail City Pipes and Drums Fund
Restore 814 Fund
Richland ALPR Fund
Rockwood Veterans Memorial and Community Park Fund
Rodney’s Brother Love Foundation Fund
Rotary Club of Northern Cambria County Scholarship and Award Fund
Roxbury Civic Group Fund
Roxbury Park Bandshell Restoration Fund aka “Jump on the Bandshell”
Roxbury Park Skate Rink Fund
S.H.I.E.L.D. 911 Fund
Saint Francis University COVID-19 PPE Project Fund
Saturday’s Kitchen Fund
SEADS of Love Fund
September 11th National Memorial Trail Fund
Sergeant Michael Strank Fund
Skating Club of Johnstown Skaters Fund
Slayback Young Entrepreneurs Fund
Somerset Area Athletic Foundation Fund
Somerset Area Little League Capital Fund
Somerset County Courthouse Clock Fund
Somerset County Suicide Prevention Task Force Fund
Somerset Walk of Hope Fund
South Fork K-9 Fund
Spirit of Johnstown Fund
SQI/Whitewater Fund
Stackhouse Park Playground Fund
Stiletto Network W.I.S.E. Fund
Stork Fund
T & N Youth Sports Fund
Tackle Box Fund
Tomahawks Elementary Hockey Program
Torrance State Hospital Employee Wellness Program Fund
Tribune Democrat Santa Fund
Trinity Farms Center for Healing Fund
Tri-Run Watershed Association Fund
Unity Coalition of the Southern Alleghenies Fund
Unity Towards Hope Fund
VE Arbutus Little League Fund
Verna K. Blough Oakland Playground Fund
Vietnam War Monument Fund
Vipers Baseball Club Fund
Vision Together 2025 Fund
VOMA Accelerator Fund
Wall That Heals Bedford County Fund
Washington Township Recreation Fund
West Hills Recreation Commission Fund
WILLStrong Foundation Fund
Your Safe Haven Fund
Scholarship Funds
A.H. Chatfield, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Aaron Coyle Scholarship Fund
Academic Alumni Scholarship Fund
Alan Stept Music Scholarship Fund
Alice McGivney Mazur Memorial Scholarship Fund
American Red Cross Blood Services Appalachian Region Fund
American Red Cross Blood Services High School Scholarship Fund
American Red Cross Ramey Motors Scholarship Fund
AmeriServ Financial Scholarship Fund
Anderson Family Scholarship Fund
Andy Koma Memorial Registered Nurse Scholarship Fund
Ann Mazur Memorial Scholarship Fund
Apollo Award Fund
Art Burkett Memorial Award Fund
Arthur Hagadus Scholarship Fund
ATHENA Award Scholarship Fund
Baker Memorial Scholarship Fund
Barbara and John (Jack) Yerger Scholarship Fund
Bedford County Bar Association Scholarship Fund
Bedford Grange Mutual Scholarship Fund
Beulah Harvey Memorial Scholarship Fund
Bishop McCort Catholic High School Class of 1966 Scholarship Fund
Blackburn Fund
Bobby L. Miller Memorial Athlete Award Fund
Brad Wess Scholarship Fund
Brian Lamar Scholarship Fund
Brian Swank Memorial Award Fund
Brush Valley Antique Iron and Power Club Scholarship Fund
Camp Cadet of Somerset County William “Bob” Bastian Memorial Scholarship
Camp PARC Helping Hand Scholarship Fund
Candida Martella and Sylvia Martella Webster Scholarship Fund
Caramela Charitable Trust Scholarship Fund
Carey Twins Scholarship Endowment Fund
Carl and Anna Sherbine Elementary Education Scholarship Fund
Catherine Riley Johns Scholarship Fund
Christopher “Bub” Ream Scholarship Fund
Claudia Mehall Memorial Scholarship Fund
Clea and Levi Hollis Scholarship Fund
Clifford Maust Scholarship Award Fund
Coach Larry Layton Memorial Scholarship Fund
College in High School Scholarship Fund
Conemaugh Township Class of 1945 Arrowhead Award Scholarship Fund
Conemaugh Valley Alumni Association Scholarship Fund
Conemaugh Valley Culinary Association Robert Forquer Memorial Scholarship Fund
Corey Leech Memorial Scholarship Fund
Croner Educational Fund
Daniel L. Sterner Scholarship Fund
Dave Seidel Memorial Scholarship Fundw
David A. Glosser Foundation Scholarship Fund for the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
David F. Brouse Memorial Scholarship Fund
David J. Rizzo Scholarship Fund
David W. Griffith Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dean and Angela Damin Scholarship Fund
Delvin L. and Nancy J. Lockard Scholarship Fund
Diana Lynn Holben Scholarship Fund
Don and Diane Bailey Scholarship Fund
Doris Jean Lazere Scholarship Fund
Dorothy Pekala Scholarship Fund
Doug Harnden Memorial Scholarship Fund
Doyle E. Paul Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dr. Bert and Lucile Wiley Health Professions Scholarship Endowment Fund
Dr. Clyde E. Harriger Scholarship Fund
Dr. Edward Haluska Scholarship Fund for the Penn Highlands Community College
Dr. Harry M. Rhoads Scholarship Fund
Dr. J.D. and Marianne Plummer and William Fennell Scholarship Fund
Dr. James E. Jensen Scholarship Fund
Dr. John Melleky Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dr. Max Goldstein Award Fund
Dr. Rosemarie K. Tipton Scholarship Award Fund
Dr. Vito E. Mantini Scholarship Fund
Eastern Elevator-Irene Westover Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ed Denner Writing Award Fund
Elbert and Lillie Mae Jones Scholarship Fund
Eleanor and Carlton Haselrig Family Scholarship Fund
Elizabeth L. Brawley Nursing Scholarship Fund
Elizabeth Lindsay Davis Club Scholarship Fund
Erin Hostetler Scholarship Fund
Erin Michael Bosworth Scholarship Fund
Ernie Blough Memorial Fund
Everett Area Alumni Association Scholarship Fund
Everett Cash Mutual Centennial Scholarship Award Fund
Forest Hills Alumni Association Fund
Forest Hills Distinguished Alumni Class of 2014 Scholarship Fund
Forest Hills School District Educational Endowment Fund
Frank and Bernice Lucente Community Service Scholarship Fund
Frank E. Roman Memorial Scholarship Fund
Frank T. Carney Medical School Scholarship Fund
Fred and Nancy Shaffer Scholarship Fund, in memory of Mark A. Shaffer
Frederick K. Metzler Business Technology Scholarship Fund
Friends for Life: Damian Fain & Todd Parker Scholarship Fund
Galen Head, Sr. and Galen Head, Jr. Scholarship Fund
Genevieve Milkie Scholarship Fund
George F. Wheeling Athletic and Educational Trust Fund
George Lichty Memorial Award Fund
Glen George Memorial Scholarship Fund
Gloria (Madorma) Quigley Memorial Math Scholarship Fund
H.R. and Helen Konhaus Scholarship Fund
Harry Henderson Cornell Scholarship Fund
Hazel Jones Slater Scholarship Fund
HC “Joe” Harned Scholarship Fund
Heather Alt Reininger Memorial Scholarship Fund
Helene and Robert Krantzler Scholarship Fund
Hollis Family Scholarship Fund
Homer D. Rice Sportsmanship Award Fund
Hudec Family Scholarship Fund
Hudnall Family Award Fund
Huston Township Alumni Association Scholarship Fund
Iapalucci and Link Business Scholarship Fund
ICTC Heidi Allison Character Award Fund
Indiana Co. Fire Chiefs Association Student Scholarship Award Fund
Indiana County Technology Center Scholarship Fund
J.L. Martin Scholarship Fund
Jack Buchan, Sr. Trojan Stadium Award Fund
Jack E. Tipton Memorial Graduation Award Fund
Jacqueline A. Huff-McCann Memorial Scholarship Fund
James and Laura Clark Scholarship Fund
James Kocher Memorial Music Scholarship Fund
Jamestown Rod and Gun Club Post-Secondary Education Award Fund
Janet Bala Anthony Scholarship Fund
Jean Hadfield Scholarship Fund
Jeff Strittmatter Scholarship Fund
Jenner Community Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Fund
Jennifer Hege Demuth Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jerome A. and Frances D. Yetsko Family Scholarship Fund
Jessie G. Ballentine Scholarship Fund
JHS Interact Club Future Leader Scholarship Fund
Jim Janak Memorial Student Athlete Award Fund
Jim Miller Scholarship Fund
Job Mann Trust Fund
Joe and Tony Kompardo Portage Volunteer Fire and Ambulance Scholarship Fund
Johanna M. LaBuda Trust/Estate Fund
John “Jack” Lochrie Memorial Scholarship Fund
John A. Milavec Scholarship Fund
John J. Aloi Scholarship Fund
Johnson Family Scholarship Fund
Johnstown Area Music Scholarship Fund
Johnstown High School Alumni Association Fund
Johnstown High School Class of 1950 Scholarship Fund
Johnstown High School Class of 1955 Scholarship Fund
Johnstown High School Class of 1957 Scholarship Fund
Johnstown High School Class of 1959 Scholarship Fund
Johnstown High School Class of 1969 Launch Fund
Jonathan Y. Shirley, Jr. Scholarship Fund
Joseph “Jack” Walker Award Scholarship Fund
Joseph G. Hayes Family Trust Scholarship Fund
Joseph J. Peles Memorial Scholarship Fund
Joseph L. and Georgia J. Uklayer UPJ Scholarship Fund
Journey Award Scholarship Fund
Judy R. Drenning Scholarship Fund
Justin Donald Ellis Jewelry Scholarship Fund
Justin Goldinger Memorial Scholarship Fund
Kai Paul Hrabovsky Memorial Scholarship Fund
Kamnikar Award Scholarship Fund
Kamona Scholarship Fund
Ke-Ze Scholarship Fund
Kiersten Alexandra Robertson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Kiwanis Club of Johnstown Scholarship Fund
Krista Chverchko Music Scholarship Fund
Laina Haney Memorial Rifle Scholarship Fund
Larry J. McGiboney Music Scholarship Fund
Laura Uadiski Wright Memorial Scholarship Fund
Leah Guarino Memorial Scholarship Fund
Leona Marian Scholarship Fund
Lester D. and Grace E. Kemerer Scholarship Fund
Linda McQuaide Memorial Scholarship Fund
Loretta Stumpo Scholarship Fund
Louise S. Atwell Memorial Music Scholarship Fund
Lucas Popernack Memorial Scholarship Fund
M. Ray Leckemby Memorial Scholarship Fund
Madame Trudy Banks Scholarship Fund
Margaret M. Mekis Scholarship Fund
Marie and Frank Slabe Scholarship Fund
Marino Fulchiero Scholarship Fund
Mark and Susan Thomas Scholarship Fund
Mark Hess Legacy Fund
Marlene J. Sipe Scholarship Award Fund
Marlon Mackel Scholarship Fund
Martha P. Coleman Music Scholarship Fund
Mary A. DeArmitt Scholarship Endowment Fund for Shade Central City H.S.
Mary Alice (Hall) Mock Memorial History Award Fund
Mary Berge Service Scholarship Fund
Mary Jo Clark Helsel Scholarship Fund for Bishop McCort
Mary Neilan Stansfield Fund
Mary Samole Mawyer Scholarship Fund
Masser and Yahnert Families Health Profession Scholarship Fund
McCready Family Scholarship Fund
McKenzie-Raupach Scholarship Fund
Melissa O’Kinsky Scholarship Fund
Memorial Hospital of Bedford County Foundation Fund
Meyersdale Area Education Association Staff Memorial Scholarship Fund
Meyersdale Merit Scholarship Trust Fund
Michael P. Baer Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mina and Barney Lucas Fund
Mitchell and Rebecca Azar Family Scholarship Fund
Monessen Class of 1968 Scholarship Fund
Mouse and Robin Grass Scholarship Award Fund
Myrtle and Walter Davis Scholarship Fund
National Association of Insurance/Financial Advisors Scholarship Fund for the PHCC
Nicholas Enos Memorial Scholarship Fund
Norman & Theresa Salem Scholarship Endowment Fund
Nunzio S. and Flora D. Yocca Scholarship Fund
Olivia Van Deusen Memorial Scholarship Fund
Oreo Foundation in Memory of Alexa Eplett Scholarship Fund
P. J. Helsel Scholarship Fund
Paul D. Bennett and Doris Haselrig Scholarship Fund
Paul Keeney Scholarship Fund
Paul Urbain Memorial Scholarship Award Fund
Pennsylvania Highlands Community College Scholarship Fund
Pete Duranko Scholarship Fund
Peter G. Lazzeri Football Scholarship Fund
Philip A. Marcinek Scholarship Fund
Pine Grill Open Scholarship Fund
Polish Falcons Nest #97 Scholarship Fund
Portage Area Scholarship Fund
Rangers Becoming Rangers Scholarship Fund
REACH Service Award at St. Michael Catholic Church Fund
Resick Broad Horizons Award Fund
Rev. Robert G. Whisler Memorial Scholarship Fund
Richie Thomas Memorial Scholarship Fund
Rick and Trudy Barefoot Fund
Riordan Memorial Scholarship Fund
Robert A. Funari Sr. Scholarship Fund
Robert B. and Frances C. Hornick Family Scholarship Fund
Robert E. and Theodore R. Shahade Scholarship Fund
Robert Mishler Sr. and Doris Mishler Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ron DiBuono-Don Gallucci Friendship Award Fund
Ronald S. Rivera Scholarship Fund
Rotary Club of Johnstown Sunset Scholarship Fund
Ryan Carosi Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ryan Fleming Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ryan James Kinley Memorial Scholarship Fund
Saint Francis University Margaret H. Dunn Environmental Community Service Endowment Fund
Salsgiver Family Scholarship Fund
Salvatore Agnello Scholarship Fund
Samuel T. Brumbaugh Scholarship Award Fund
School to Work Life Transition Award Fund
Sergeant First Class Raymond Richard Buchan Memorial Scholarship Fund and Veterans Education Project
Seth Landis Memorial Scholarship Fund
Shade Township Class of 1946 Scholarship Fund
Shawn Carota Football Scholarship Fund
Sheldon Bowman Memorial Scholarship Fund
Shuster Family Scholarship Fund
Somerset Area School District Betsy Neilan Sullivan Award Fund
Somerset Area School District David Sharp Yul Memorial Award Fund
Somerset Area School District Dennis & Gretta Afton Scholarship Fund
Somerset Area School District Eric W. Shaffer Memorial Award Fund
Somerset Area School District George Parke & Helen Craighead Parke Memorial Fund
Somerset Area School District Karen Marteeny Memorial Fund
Somerset Area School District Kenneth & Mary Frances Lohr Memorial Scholarship Fund
Somerset Area School District Mary Louise McClemens Memorial Award Fund
Somerset Area School District Richard, Ray, & Rebecca Bender Memorial Scholarship Fund
Somerset Area School District William & Beatrice Griffith Scholarship Fund
Somerset County Technology Center Licensed Practical Nursing Scholarship Fund
St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Scholarship Fund
Steph and Kris Scholarship Fund
Steve “Alf” Hahn Memorial Scholarship Fund
Steve and Hazel Terebus Fund
Steve J. Terebus Fund
Steve Petro Scholarship Fund for Bishop McCort
Strandquest-Simmons Entrepreneurship Scholarship Fund
Sue Ankeny Memorial Scholarship Fund
Sunnehanna Goettlicher Vetock Scholarship Fund
Swanson Family Award Fund
Thomas E. Bailey Memorial Scholarship for UPMC Bedford Memorial Hospital
TMR (Tuscano-Maher Roofing) Memorial Scholarship Fund
Tom Hoover Excellence Award Scholarship Fund
Torrence W. Prescott Scholarship Fund
Tyler Park Beachy Memorial Scholarship Fund
United School District Scholarship Fund
Vanessa Hyatt Wiley Memorial Scholarship Fund
Viking Pride Award Fund
Viola Rugh Memorial Scholarship Fund
Walter E. Wood Scholarship Fund
Walter F. Mitchell, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Walter R. Mahler Memorial Scholarship Fund
Westmont High School, Class of 1972 Fund
Westmont Hilltop High School Class of 1960 Scholarship Fund
Westmont/Upper Yoder Class of 1947 Scholarship Fund
Wilfred Jr. and Karen (Carter) Brandon Scholarship Fund
William I. Plank Scholarship Fund
William Obert Scholarship Fund
William R. Lloyd, Jr. Scholarship Fund
Windber Area School District Chapman Memorial Scholarship Fund
Windber Area School District Edna Mae Ankeny Greathouse Scholarship Fund
Windber Area School District Estate of Edna Solomon Scholarship Fund
Windber Area School District Estate of Helen Solomon Scholarship Fund
Windber Area School District William & Harriet Hayes Memorial Scholarship Fund
Windber Rambler Lettermen’s Club Scholarship Fund
Y.S. and Y.W. Nam Scholarship Fund
Benjamin Bosler Fund
Crown REIT Fund
Daniel and Marcia Glosser Memorial Fund
Dorothy Kunkle Charitable Fund
Dr. George Katter Honorary Fund
Fund for the Future
James Ellis Mayer Fund
Jeanne Allen Memorial Fund
Memorial Fund
Morton Glosser Memorial Fund
Robert A. Allen Memorial Fund
Saul and Eva Glosser Fund
William L. Glosser Family Fund