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Protecting a Legacy

Every year, dozens of high school students from Bedford, Cambria, and Somerset counties travel to Washington, D.C. for an all-expenses paid trip the U.S. Holocaust Museum. There, these students are transported through time, to learn about the history and horrors of racism, and to take in the effects of genocide. These trips are transformative. They are the legacy of Abe Beerman.
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YPIs Distribute $50k in Grants

Three Johnstown-based projects will share $50,000 in funding distributed by Youth Philanthropy Interns with the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies. Interns are local, college-bound, high school graduates. They spent 8 weeks with the Community Foundation this summer, getting a first-hand…

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Inclined to Care: YPI Radio Documentaries

Youth Philanthropy Interns with the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies have created a series of radio documentaries in partnership with The Saturday Light Brigade. The series, titled Inclined to Care, Lifting the Alleghenies to New Heights, 2017, is the culmination…

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Apollo Scholarship Open to Students Everywhere

Apollo Scholarship Application Now Live with New Eligibility Requirements for 2017 The Apollo Scholarship Committee is excited to announce changes to the eligibility requirements for students applying for the 2017 scholarship. Traditionally, the scholarship has only been available to students…

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2018-22 Strategic Plan

Community Foundation for the Alleghenies is years into a comprehensive strategic plan. More than 100 people participated in Bedford, Cambria, Indiana and Somerset counties. Individuals who participated included donors, community leaders, grantees, professional wealth advisers, and volunteers. We are very grateful…

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Interns Announce New Funding Opportunities

For the fifth year, the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies is hosting two teams of Youth Philanthropy Interns. Over the past four weeks, they have been busy assessing community needs through research, site visits, and interviews. In doing so, they…

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Creating Opportunity for Young Entrepreneurs

Zak Slayback thinks big — about education, business, and the future. The 2012 Somerset Area High School graduate-turned-Ivy-league-dropout is doing his best to disrupt traditional ideas about pathways to success. And he wants more young people to join him. “Now,…

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Inspiring Caretakers, Changing the Story

Despite the tragedies that Corey suffered, he never stopped trying to make a difference in the lives of others. As a tribute to Corey, the Leech Family will continue to help people in his name, with the Corey Leech Memorial Scholarship Fund.
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Kaye Bird Visiting Writers’ Series

Kaye Bird loved to write. “Writing and reading were her two passions,” says Kaye’s husband, Gary. “I think there was almost a biological necessity that she write.” That love of writing led her to teaching, and to careers as an…

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