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A Legacy of Caring Somerset County residents have once again stepped up to unexpected challenges and heartily supported the Community Foundation and the #SomersetCountyGives endowment campaign. Over the past year,…
Building Community and Cultivating Place CFA has been a longtime proponent and funder of placemaking projects for their potential as economic drivers and as a means to improve quality of…
Responding to Real Needs, Now and Always Community Foundation for the Alleghenies was established to be agile, adaptive, and forward-looking, and the Foundation’s grantmaking and initiatives over the past fiscal…
‘An Unusual and Creative Avenue’ Unique CFA Grantmaking Supports Tourism, Recreation Marketing & Recovery Endeavors Thanks to a $150,000 grant awarded in 2020 from CFA’s Community Initiatives Fund, local businesses…
    A River Reborn This year, Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds (a supporting organization of CFA) released an environmental short film, which shares the dramatic, true story of “seven deadly…
Because of people like you—people who care deeply about our region—we were ready and equipped to help our community. What’s your best wish for our region? This year, we were…
Early Childhood Education and Community Initiatives CFA launched the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Fund as a special initiative in 2019, with the aim of increasing access to quality early childhood…
Caring for Our Communities Community funds managed under CFA’s umbrella create a special opportunity: They allow for localized, collective philanthropy so individuals can make a difference in their communities forever.…
A Legacy of Giving CFA’s Legacy Society honors people who care enough about our community to support it forever. Becoming a member is simple: include Community Foundation for the Alleghenies…
Cambria County Backpack Project Thanks to grassroots efforts, caring volunteers, and support from CFA, the Cambria County Backpack Project has become a critical local program that has helped provide more…
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